
Festival Kallash


Joshi, Chellim Josh Festival

Thus, Pakistan is famous in the world for its different cultures. However, the culture of Kailash Valley or Kalasha Desh of the Chitral district is famous not only in Pakistan but also in the world because of its uniqueness.


Kailashi people have been inhabited Chitral since a very old time ... and the mentioned people call themselves the first citizens of Chitral ... they say that in the past there was a government of Kailash in South Chitral and Afghanistan's areas of Nooristan ...

 Various ancient signs of the Kailash era are still present in almost all areas of Chitral even today.History members say that Kalash Lal, who lived in Nooristan, were called infidels. But the Kailash tribe of our Chitral consider them people of their tribe...

 Kailash, who resides in South Chitral, converted to Muslims long ago. After becoming Muslims, they have not only left their dresses, and traditions but also their language. Says Huzoor Bekanda of Tehsil Darush area of Chitral.

 Till thirty years ago, Kailasha language was spoken in Sawir Drosh, etc. While in the valley of Janjriyat Koh of Tehsil Darush, people still speak Kailash language. However, the accent is a little different.


The family belonging to the Kalash tribe living in South Chitral call themselves Quresh... and the people of Nooristan call themselves Quresesh too...

However, the Kailash residents of Kalasha country say that our ancestors were Greek and they came with Alexander the Great and settled here..

Also, some Kailash say that our ancestors came from Syria.. Well, these are historical things and this debate. It will go on and on....

The valley of Kalasha Desh is very famous for its tourism... If a tourist comes from Pakistan or any other country, he goes to Bombourit first.

Rather, it would be useless to say that tourists come to see the culture of Kialash. The valley of Bambourit is about forty kilometers away from Chitral Headquarters... The road is raw but not narrow. However, the road is blocked due to the increase of tourists during the festivals. 

Bambourite is a very beautiful, green, and cool beautiful area full of forests.. That's why so many tourists turn to Bambourite in summer..

Kailashi people have three big festivals, Cheetramus, Ochal, and Cheelim Josht ,Chattermus is in the month of December... Ochal is celebrated in September...

When Cheelim Joshet is celebrated 

with great fervor from 11th May to 17th May every year. People in Chelim Josht start preserving their livestock milk on May 1st and on May 11th they eat the collected milk and milk items themselves and call their guests.. After that, a special for three days. The place called Charso...

 This place is their religious place where they go and dance and sing and celebrate Chelim Josht... On the occasion of Chelim Josht, the elders in the form of singing the events and circumstances heard from their ancestors and ancestors. Let's tell the generation. This is how their one verbal history is going from chest to chest till today.

 Love and Marriages 

Usually arranged marriages are very rare in Calashion.. while love marriages are more.. since their wedding ritual is different they run away to marry on the occasion of Chelim Joshtt.. Chelim Josht is their religious festival Apart from that, there is also a wedding festival... Every year, several couples get tied in the knot of marriage in Cheleem Josht...

Just like every year, this year, Cheleem Joshet will be celebrated with great enthusiasm in Kalasha Desh.

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