
Prevent copying and Pasting On Blogger

Prevent copying and pasting of text on your blogger website.

Disabling text copying on your Blogger blog means that visitors to your blog are not able to select and copy the text on your blog, which can help protect your content from being plagiarized or copied without your permission.

By disabling text copying, you can help to ensure that your blog's content is not being used without your consent and that you have control over the use and distribution of your content.

Additionally, disabling text copying can also help to improve the user experience on your blog, as it can prevent accidental highlighting or copying of text that may interfere with the navigation and usability of your site.

However, it's important to note that disabling text copying is not foolproof and can be circumvented by more determined individuals. It may also inconvenience legitimate users who may want to copy or quote your content for their own purposes.

Therefore, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks before deciding to disable text copying on your Blogger blog.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to add an HTML gadget to your Blogger blog:

Log in to your Blogger account and go to the "Layout" section of your blog

You can access this section by clicking on the name of your blog in the main menu and then selecting "Layout" from the drop-down menu.

Scroll down to the area where you want to add the HTML gadget. You can add the gadget to the header, footer, sidebar, or any other section of your blog.

Click on the "Add a Gadget" link in the section where you want to add the gadget. This will open a list of available gadgets that you can add to your blog.

From the list of options, select "HTML/JavaScript" by clicking on the "+" icon next to it.

In the "Content" field, paste the HTML code copying from the below box. You can also add JavaScript code in this field if needed.

Give the gadget a title by filling in the "Title" field. This title will appear above the gadget on your blog.

Click "Save" to add the HTML gadget to your blog.

That's it! You can now view your blog to see the HTML gadget in action.

This is the code 

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