


Our rulers have been taking loans from foreign countries and IMF since a few years of Pakistan... and this continues till now... As you know, those countries and institutions have some conditions while taking loans. They don't lend us money without paying in full..

In their terms, electricity prices increase, gas and petroleum prices increase, etc. . Apparently, when the prices of the mentioned things increase, it puts a burden on the common people. Thus, the debts are taken by the rulers. Interest is paid in the form of prices of different commodities.

In addition, the general public has to bear the cost of two times bread by doing their job, business, or labor according to the laws of the country. In addition, the common public has to bear their children's school and health expenses.

So apparently these external loans are not seeing any benefit to the common Pakistanis.

Yes, however, due to external loans, we have a VIP culture, and protocol expenses from Prime Minister to Adviser probably meet with these external loans.

Therefore, if it is observed, these external debts do not benefit the common people of the country.

In addition, the debts that have been taken to the water, the public has paid the ransom for the sake of the love of the country in the form of inflation and are paying ... while the irony is that the common people are sacrificing so much Yet the debt is increasing instead of decreasing and we are nearing bankruptcy...

Why is it so? In which public facility are they spending the external loans?

It is heard that twenty-five percent of the country's GDP is spent on protocols and salaries etc.

Therefore, the authorities and rulers are requested to abolish VIP culture and luxuries, inflation, etc. to some extent can be controlled... in addition to reviving dead industries, factories, etc, increase exports Need it otherwise our circumstances will not change...

Keep in mind that elections are also not the solution to this problem...unless efforts are made to solve these problems.....

Lastly, we the people have paid the compensation for external loans in a very expensive way. Therefore, now the rulers who have become billionaires from thousandaires should pay these loans with their personal wealth. And also know that they are the representative of the people. 

It is not made for making money and luxury .. when someone comes forward to serve the country and the people .. and look at our misfortune till today we have not found a single representative who has good wishes for the people whatever we got is only For our own benefit and luxury, we take votes from the poor and break the mountain of oppression on us.

So the sooner we understand the facts the better for us.

Scripted Ijaz Ahmad Ijaz

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