
Secrets of English Language


English has a complex history, with influences from various languages including Latin, French, and German.

 It is a highly versatile language, with a vast vocabulary and a wide range of grammatical structures that allow for the nuanced expression of ideas.

The English language is a West Germanic language that originated in England and is now spoken as a first language by over 400 million people worldwide, with an additional 1 billion people speaking it as a second language. English is the official language of over 50 countries and is widely used as a lingua franca in international communication, business, and politics.

In addition to its practical uses, English is also a rich literary language with a long tradition of great literature, including works by Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and many others, it continues to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances, with new words and expressions being added regularly.

Remember that learning a language takes time and consistent practice. Don't be discouraged if you don't see progress immediately, and keep practicing regularly to build your skills.

If you're looking to start learning English, here are some steps you can take:
Start with the basics:

Learn the English alphabet, common greetings, and basic grammar rules such as subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, and tense.

Build your vocabulary:

Start by learning commonly used English words and phrases,
 you can do this by reading books, watching English movies, and using English language learning apps.

Practice speaking and listening:

 Find someone to practice speaking and listening with, whether it's a native English speaker or another language learner. You can also practice by watching English movies or TV shows, listening to English podcasts, or joining an English language conversation group.

Use online resources: 

There are many online resources available to help you learn English, including language learning websites, apps, and online courses.

Here are some tips on how to understand English grammar:

Study grammar rules:

Start by learning the basic grammar rules, such as parts of speech, tenses, and sentence structure. You can find many online resources, textbooks, or grammar books to help you with this.

Practice with exercises:

Once you have a basic understanding of grammar rules, practice using them with exercises. There are many resources online that offer free grammar exercises that you can use to practice.

Read and listen to English:

Reading and listening to English will help you get a feel for how the language works. Pay attention to how sentences are structured, and how words are used in context.

Use grammar apps:

 There are many grammar apps available that can help you practice and improve your grammar skills. Some popular ones include Duolingo, Grammarly, and Quizlet.

Get feedback:

Find a teacher or tutor who can give you feedback on your grammar skills.


Remember that grammar is a complex and ongoing learning process. Keep practicing regularly, and with time and effort, you will improve your English grammar skills.

  How to use the English language in everyday life:

Practice speaking

Speak English with friends, family, or coworkers. You can also practice speaking to yourself, which will help you improve your fluency.

Listen to English:

 Listen to English music, podcasts, or news broadcasts to get used to hearing the language spoken. This will help you with your listening comprehension and pronunciation.

Read in English:

 Read books, articles, and newspapers in English. Start with material that is appropriate for your language level and gradually move on to more challenging material.

Write in English:

Write in English as much as possible. This can include writing emails, social media posts, or even a personal journal. It will help you improve your writing skills and reinforce your understanding of grammar and vocabulary.

Join English conversation groups:

Join a local English conversation group or find an online community of English language learners. This will give you an opportunity to practice your speaking skills and make new friends.

Keep practicing regularly, and with time and effort, you will become more comfortable using English in your daily life.

What tense is important to use in everyday life:

All tenses in English are essential, as they allow us to express different meanings and convey information about the time of an action or event. However, some tenses may be more important in certain situations or for certain purposes.

Here are some examples:  About 12 Tenses 

Present simple tense:

This tense is used to describe habitual actions, general truths, and permanent situations. It is one of the most commonly used tenses in English and is important for everyday communication.

Ex.       I play cricket at Morad Stadium Drosh

Present continuous tense:

This tense is used to describe actions that are happening at the moment of speaking or are in progress. It is important for expressing current situations and ongoing activities.

Ex.      Naveed is learning English in the class now

Past simple tense:

This tense is used to describe completed actions in the past. It is important for telling stories, discussing past events, and giving historical accounts.

Ex.       I saw my brother yesterday at Muslim Model School Drosh.

Present perfect tense:

 This tense is used to describe actions that began in the past and continue up to the present moment. It is important to describe experiences and events that have a connection to the present.

Ex.       He has seen us. I have seen him many times. I have known him since 2015

Future Tense:

This tense is used to talk about the coming time when an action is going to happen. It is important for making plans, and predictions, and discussing future possibilities.

Ex.       He will come to class tomorrow. 

In summary, all tenses in English are important and serve different purposes. It's important to understand and use them correctly in order to effectively communicate in English in everyday life.

English is a widely spoken language, with over 1.5 billion people around the world speaking it either as their first or second language. 

It is a West Germanic language that originated in England and has evolved over the centuries through the influence of other languages and cultures. 

English is the official language of many countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, and is used as a common language in international business and diplomacy.

The English language has a complex grammar system that includes tenses, Parts of speech, sentence structure, and more. 

It is important to understand and use proper grammar when speaking or writing in English. There are also many English dialects and variations, which can differ in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar rules.

Learning English is beneficial for personal and professional reasons, as it can open up opportunities for communication, education, and career advancement. 

There are many resources available for learning English, including language learning apps, online courses, textbooks, and conversation groups. Consistent practice and effort are key to improving English skills.

Types of Question

To be verbs 

Common English Grammatical Structure 

All 12 Tenses 


Figure of Speech 

50 Common Idioms

Urdu English Idioms

Silent Letters



Direct and indirect 

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