
Change your life


Create lasting change - one habit at a time.

You are ready to work hard,

Most people who are looking to change their lives are in a low place, possibly feeling down on themselves and what is going on. Just be prepared, the wording in this book is really harsh. It kind of tells you to just get it together and that it's your fault. So if you are in a low spot, looking to make things better, the author is unsympathetic to your struggles. However, the layout is good. And if you are ready to work hard, this book will help you see change.

From what to know

We all know what to do to diet or learn a language but often it's the how. This is a good book with little fluff that gives you exercises to achieve the how. The reading style is easy to put down and come back later without trying to remember what was in the last chapter.

Life-Changing Amazing to read

Every single chapter in this book helped to guide me on a path that has changed my life. It is so easy to understand and implement and so grateful that I was able to come across something so inspiring. If you want to change your life once and for all then I definitely recommend reading this book.

It is full of wisdom for everyday life and is very uplifting. It’s one you would read over and over as you got alt from it found enjoyable all the way to the end

A short introduction to Marc Reklau

Marc Reklau is the author of 10 books including the #1 Amazon Bestseller "30 Days - Change your habits, change your life". His books have reached more than 400.000 readers and have been translated into more than 15 languages including Spanish, German, Japanese, Thai, Indonesian, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian and Korean.

He wrote the book in 2014 after being fired from his job and literally went from jobless to Bestseller (which is the title of his second book).

The Spanish version of his latest book “Destination Happiness” has been published by Spain’s #1 Publisher Planeta in January 2018.

Marc's mission is to empower people to create the life they want and to give them the resources and tools to make it happen. He writes about habits, productivity, and happiness.

His message is simple: Many people want to change things in their lives, but few are willing to do a simple set of exercises constantly over a period of time. You can plan and create success and happiness in your life by installing habits that support you on the way to your goals.

Have you ever asked yourself why some people seem to get everything easily and others don't? 

Do you feel like a victim of your circumstances? 

Are you tired of waiting for your life to change?

Find out how to take control and full responsibility for your life, and how a couple of small steps every day can change everything. In this simple, fast-paced eBook you will be learning what it takes to create the life you want. 

It's based on science, neuroscience, positive psychology, and real-life examples and contains the best exercises to quickly create momentum towards a happier, healthier and wealthier life. 

Thirty days can really make a difference if you do things consistently and develop new habits!  30 Days is not just a book that you read. To make it work YOU have to work and do the exercises it proposes. 

Discover your enormous potential and...

  • Stop being a victim of the circumstances and start creating your circumstances  
  • Stop waiting for the miracle to happen and become one
  • Stop suffering and start creating the life you want
  • Improve your self-confidence
  • Improve your relationships with your spouse, your colleagues, your boss!
  • Become happier and more successful

How much longer will you wait for your circumstances to change magically? 

How much longer will you ignore your power and your true potential? 

You can really make your dreams come true - but you have to stop talking and start acting. 

30 days is a suggestion 

to make the significant changes suggested in this book, take time to assimilate and become the change. If you make any progress be happy and keep working :)

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