
Possible Defence Nutritional Deficiencies.

Malnutrition weakens the immune system in children

What is nutritional deficiency?

Lack of protein in the diet means that children become malnourished due to a lack of proteins, vitamins, calories, and salts. This malnutrition weakens the immune system in children. Ninja children suffer from a variety of diseases that can be life-threatening. Malnutrition can usually be treated at home, but children with severe malnutrition need to be hospitalized and treated regularly.

What are the causes of malnutrition?

· Due to lack of protein and calories in the diet, which does not meet the nutritional needs of the child. Due to a lack of essential vitamins (A, D) or iron in the diet.

· Loss of appetite due to chronic diseases, For example, diarrhea, cold, flu, cough, pneumonia, etc.

۔ What are the disadvantages of malnutrition?
· Malnutrition can cause the following effects in children: · The child can easily get various diseases. ۔
· Lack of interest in the child and the environment. ۔
· Obstruction of mental and physical development.
· Decreased ability to learn. ۔
· The infant mortality rate would have increased.

What are the symptoms of malnutrition?· The following are the symptoms of malnutrition.
· Weight loss Weakness of the muscles of the body.
Swelling in both legs

How are the symptoms of cognitive impairment diagnosed?

In these, all the clothes are removed from the body of the child and it is weighed. Before weighing, make sure the weighing machine is working properly and its fork is at zero. The child's nutritional status is assessed by listing the child's weight on a growth chart. Or note that a child with malnutrition will lose weight according to his age. 
 I used to write about the baby's arm and baldness, and examine the legs to assess the weakness of the musculoskeletal muscles. 

 The structure of the baby's ribs will be more prominent due to malnutrition. The baby's breasts will be smaller than his chest and abdomen. 
 The skin of the hip of a child with severe malnutrition gets slits. However, the child's face will be normal. The baby's stomach will be bloated and protruding.

 This condition is called Marasmus Mini Hundred Diseases.

In malnutrition, the swelling in both feet is clearly visible.

To control the swelling, press the upper part of the baby's foot with the thumb of your hand for one minute and then the pit will fall there. This condition is called Kwashiorkor.
How is nutritional deficiency treated?

· Weigh the baby regularly so that treatment can be started at the earliest stage of malnutrition and the child can be protected from further malnutrition.

· If the child is underweight for his age, pay special attention to his diet.

· Feed the baby according to age (according to the instructions given below

· Get your baby examined at a monthly health center to see if the baby is gaining weight. If the child has a problem eating, see a health center again in five days.

· Seek immediate medical attention if you have any symptoms of severe malnutrition.

Remember! Negligence during malnutrition can lead to death in children.

In terms of age, feed the children according to the following chart.
Up to 6 months from birth.

Breastfeed as soon as the baby wants to drink milk. To overcome the nutritional deficiencies in children during the day and at the end of the day, feed them according to their age.

Breastfeed at least eight times in 3 hours.

Do not drink water or any other food during this time

. This is also the time to ask for breast milk. If the baby is breastfed, give extra food three to five times a day. Additional supplements include semolina halwa, kheer, a gouda na, with masala aa lokhan, masala banana milk yadi and biscuit milk. Extra food once or twice a day after breastfeeding, As the child becomes accustomed to taking extra food, I begin to be attracted to a complete diet that includes all four groups of foods (as shown in the dietary paradigm, such as rice with seasonal vegetables (e.g. Palak, Alood, etc. (Qima, rice pudding, porridge, soy steal, mashed potatoes, green or expressed fruits, etc.) In addition to the above mentioned additional food can also be added. If the child drinks mother's milk If so, give these foods three times a day or five times a day. The amount of each food should be half to three cups.

But for the first time, if he asks for it, he should get at least three meals a day on his mother's day. In the complete diet of the child, bread, paratha, hiccups, rice, manna, egg, according to the season, a sabbatical is listed for a child of 2 months to 12 months. The baby has three of these in the usual homemade food. In addition, there are additional calls twice a day. Young children have a habit of repeatedly putting their hands in their mouths, so wash their hands regularly with soap.
How to prevent nasal weakness?

Breastfeed exclusively for six months after birth

From the age of a few months, I started giving soft foods according to the diet chart. Continue breastfeeding for two years as well as start supplementing the baby according to the diet chart. I start giving my baby vitamin A at the age of six months and after the first dose, I take vitamin A at intervals every month till the age of five. Consult health centers for vitamin A supplements.

Give the child a deworming drug at the age of two and then every six months until the age of five. Have the baby weighed at the health center each month for a weight check and estimate the appropriate weight from the development chart. Seek healthcare if you have any symptoms. Take special care of the baby's hygiene and protect it from germs.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before preparing baby food.

Use clean utensils to prepare the nada.

The daily diet should be in moderation and include energy ingredients such as meat, fish, eggs, pulses, mussels, and so on. Ingredients in special children's diet: | Sochi: Clean a food chi sooji and soak it in water for ten minutes.

A little Ritchie Sugar: Put half a teaspoon of milk and sugar in a patch and put it on the stove to cook. Water: When half a cup of milk is cooked, put soaked soy sauce in it and shake it from below. When the baby is asleep, put it on a plate and feed it.

Milk: Half a cup Ingredients Method Carrots Put several medium-sized vegetables, meat, and water in a saucepan and put on low heat of the stove. Potatoes: A medium-size now add water as required.

When the vegetables and meat pickers are medium sizes, take out the soup and give it to the baby. Luigi: a quarter of spinach: two leaves of meat:

a small piece of water, a cup of water, and wash your hands thoroughly before preparing baby food.

Put the porridge, milk, and water in a small saucepan and put it on the stove. Then add sugar and cook on a light stove. When the porridge is well melted and cooked, put it on a plate and feed it to the baby.

Break the egg and put sugar in a bowl and beat it. Kente Ari put milk in two shaded eggs and stir in a small saucepan. Put a little water in a big saucepan and cover the small saucepan over low heat. After cooking in steam for 15 minutes, put it on a custard plate and feed it to the baby.

(One or two herbs of meat) | Cut the meat and tomatoes into small pieces. Wash the rice and soak it for ten minutes between two meals. Put a cup of water in a small pot, add rice, medium-size meat, tomato, and ghee and cook on low heat. Add salt after a while Shake it. Feed the baby with it when it is well digested. And Thai tea is enjoyed by children like IK Op, Olia, Custard, etc.

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