
Reduce heart cholesterol and stay tip and top!

 Good Cholesterol Causes a Better Life


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world.  Heart disease is a big problem.  As soon as we hear the name of Vestol, the thought of a dangerous disease comes to our mind, but the fact is that there is no heart letter from Alastair Will inside.  If Cholesterol exceeds a certain limit, what is this information about cholesterol, which is considered to be very dangerous, and

 What are the guidelines in this booklet for controlling cholesterol?

 Cholesterol is a chemical compound that is made in the human body by the liver and is also present in high-energy supplements derived from animals.  The appearance of the two mestrols resembles that of wax.  It plays an important role in the growth of cells, secretions and the formation of vitamin D.

 What is the importance of the level of cholesterol in the blood?

It is said that the blood flows from the inside of the artery to the heart and thus causes heart disease.  Less than 200 mg/al 100 - 139 240 6 ADOKY MER R Cholesterol and Heart Disease within Their Volume Diaper Arteries The ones that can cause heart disease may not be present.  If the blood cholesterol level is above the ideal level but below the dangerous level, the risk of heart disease increases.  If the level of cholesterol in the blood has reached dangerous levels then the chances of getting heart disease are doubled. Whether you get heart disease or not depends not only on the cholesterol in the blood but also  There is also the presence or absence of other risk factors such as a person who has a high blood cholesterol level but is obese and suffers from diabetes mellitus.  And other members of his family are suffering from heart failure.

Needs Cholesterol body                                        

In your blood depends on its preparation in the liver, its amount in the diet and its use in the body.  Answer: There are many types of cholesterol but the following two types are important and it is very important for us to know about them.  ا۔  Nominal Cholesterol (HDL)  Harmful Cholesterol (LDL) Beneficial Cholesterol (HDL) Leading cholesterol is called HDL in the new language.  The cholesterol team is beneficial to us because it is not abundant in the arteries but carries excess cholesterol through the bloodstream to the liver where it passes through various stages and is excreted from the body.  ۔

 Harmful Cholesterol (LDL)

Harmful cholesterol is called LDL in three languages. Excess of it causes it to clot in the arteries and consequently reduces the diameter or capacity of these arteries.  This is why it is called harmful cholesterol.

How to increase the level of beneficial cholesterol (HDL) in the body?

 People who quit smoking and exercise regularly and are not obese usually have high levels of the beneficial fog cholesterol heart (HDL) in their body.

 What can be done to reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body?  Anxiety, lack of physical activity, smoking, consumption of saturated fats such as oil and fatty foods increase the level of harmful cholesterol.  Stay alert and calm to reduce the amount.  I abstain from smoking and use less fatty foods. 

What foods should not be used in food and drink?  The beef should not be used with beef, coconut oil, egg yolks, skim milk, etc. 

What foods are useful in food?  Use of low-fat foods, Fat that does not accumulate at room temperature but retains its original form, Corn oil, cane oil, cotton seed oil, sunflower oil etc.  Fish contains a special type of fat that lowers blood cholesterol in the morning and also lowers blood clotting.

If you have a vegetable oil that does not contain cholesterol, then it may be the staff of the weight gain group.  Therefore, use moderate amounts of vegetable or Bertram oil and keep the use of cauliflower and fennel products to a minimum.  The vegetable oil should also be formatted, for example, if it was paid for by killing it, then it is possible for the plant to be born seventy times.  Get it Consumption of high fiber foods is recommended to increase the intake of starchy foods. Because of their use in lowering cholesterol, it also helps in weight loss.  Your diet plays an important role in the love of hazelnuts as well as the moonshine and ways to lower cholesterol in your diet. 


Exercise and weight                            

If you are overweight, it means that your blood cholesterol levels may be too high.  Therefore, it can be very useful for the routine 20-30 which can be helpful in walking, running, swimming, LED vol but also regular with your doctor and he has made it.  Medications: If you are on a high fat diet, exercise regularly and do not smoke (as well as your blood cholesterol levels may not be adequate) then the use of cholesterol lowering drugs is useful.  Remember to always use medication with the advice of your doctor. 

Should people worry about cholesterol first? 

The main cause of high cholesterol in overweight or lean people is hereditary effects, but with proper treatment, cholesterol can be kept at a certain level.  Therefore, if you are thin and have high cholesterol in your blood, then you should follow the doctor's advice. However, when obese people lose weight, their cholesterol level also decreases.

Should children's diets also be low in fat and cholesterol? 

Children's diets must also be low in fat and cholesterol.  A study conducted and indicates that a large number of school-going children also have elevated blood cholesterol levels.  Research has also shown that some children begin to accumulate fat in their blood vessels early in life.  Many experts believe that since eating habits take root at an early age, caution in the amount of fat in the diet from childhood can reduce the risk of future heart disease.

Finally being a healthy

Person, having a cholesterol test once every five years is enough.  However, for those who Have heart disease or have heart disease elements such as obesity, diabetes, etc., or so all men and women must get their cholesterol checked once a year. People who use cholesterol-lowering medications should have their cholesterol tested regularly.  

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