


Is that excellent and perfect food for growth and development.  does it naturally contain the right amount of fat which is essential for the growth and development of the baby?  ۔  It contains the right amount of water as per the requirement below. 

Provides immunity against the following diseases.  Cough and pneumonia Ear infections  Where it is caused by malnutrition protect from constipation for example.

  Teeth and gums become stronger. Establishes an unbreakable bond of love between mother and child.  She can suckle her tongue anywhere and anytime without any preparation.  In addition, the weight of the mother is reduced by breastfeeding and if exercise is done together, then the normality of her body is normal and can make her more active.

 They allow the mother's uterus to return to normal after delivery.  The risk of developing breast cancer and hepatitis is also greatly reduced. 

 It also saves you the hassle of washing bottles.  Breastfeeding at least eight to ten times in 1-to 2 hours or every two to three hours at intervals also reduces the chances of the city of action.

For this, it is necessary for the mother Never breastfeed up to 4-6, mothers at all and thus establish a proper interval between births or at the door: only two to three percent of mothers are those who may have some difficulty in breastfeeding naturally.

 In this case, mothers should refer to the Lady Health Visitor (LHV) for the formation of the larynx and the mammary gland.

Anatomical Structure of Breast

 It contains tiny sacs called milk-producing glandular cells.  Milk is produced inside.  Out of each bag comes a drain.  These ducts open into large ducts There are 15 to 25 . Milk passes through these ducts and collects in the milk storage area.

 This deposit is located just below the skin with a dark circle around the nipple.  When the milk ducts flow into the mouth of the nipple. Therefore, both the nipple and the areola should be in the baby's mouth while breastfeeding so that the baby can suck the milk properly.

The process of becoming a river and its expulsion:

 Yes, in a wave of sensation of milk production and excretion, it rises from the nipple and reaches the brain where the protein is produced.  ۔  The more the baby sucks the nipple, the more milk will be produced.  

When the mother sees the baby breastfeeding and hears his voice, the oxytocin hormone is released in the mother's blood and that is destroyed. 

Keep it in mind,  Confusion and distractions reduce milk production and excretion.

Hygiene care during breastfeeding:

The mother should wash her breasts at least once a day.  It is usually better to wash the leaves while taking a bath. 

Choosing Clothing

The choice of clothing and the mother should be reluctant to do so.  Always keep a clean handkerchief folded inside your bra or use Breast Feeding (Pads) so that in case of excess milk flow, her bra or fall does not get wet Avoid wearing a nylon mattress bra as it Does not allow the nipple to dry out. 

Try not to make the clothes on the breasts too tight, otherwise, she will face severe discomfort while breastfeeding.

The right way to breastfeed a baby. 

At the time of the visit, the mother should take a rest or a seat and while breastfeeding, she should hold the baby in her lap in such a way that the face is directed towards the mother's breast and her abdomen towards the mother's body. 

Be the direction  It is very important for him to bend his neck and not only turn his face towards his chest, but also to become a workaholic.  It is better to carry the baby on the back of his head than to lift it when he is crying.

 The mother touches her baby's cheek with a nail to drink milk or to produce something so that the baby can be fully awake to find the Mickey Bridge.

 The mother should wait for the opening of her baby's mouth before it comes out of her mouth and takes special care not to put only nipples in the baby's mouth but also the black circle with the nipple.

 Take it in hand in such a way that all four fingers of the hand are on top of the breast.  While doing this, when the mother will follow all these factors, the child will be able to do small things easily and in this way, the child will be happy and happy and the mother will not have any problem

Some different ways of breastfeeding:

 Usually, mothers breastfeed in three different cars.

1.       Lifting the baby like a cradle

2.       Feeding the baby in the style of football

3.       Laying the baby on its side and breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, pay special attention to the following: 

  When breastfeeding, the baby's whole body should be close to the mother's body.  ۔  The lower part of the baby's face, ie the mouth and chin, is almost attached to the mother's breast.

 The baby's mouth should be wide open and the nipple with the breast should be inside the baby's mouth.

 The baby should take small but deep sips while breastfeeding. 

 The baby should look calm and happy while breastfeeding.

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